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The mission of the Dundee Crown School Nurses is to enhance the educational potential of all students by promoting wellness and providing expertise and oversight for the provision of school health services and promotion of health education (NASN, 2011).



We are more than just ice packs and bandages!  The school nurse role is to be an advocate for the community, teach and encourage healthy behaviors, assess and triage, intervene, evaluate and monitor, oversee special education health goals, provide expertise, manage all health information for all students in the school, and act as liason; caregiver; detective; mediator; master juggler; secretary; caregiver; scientist; keeper of medication, clothes, and fruit; researcher; first responder; and so much more!  Have you hugged a school nurse today?


The Dundee Crown School Health Office



The DCHS Health Office is open daily from 7:20a until 3:05p.  We're located at the corner of School Nurse Drive and Main Hallway. 

School Nurses:

Megan Parker, BSN, RN, PEL-CSN

Lisa Lane, BS, ASN, RN, PEL-CSN


Contact Information:

Main Nurse's Line: (224)484-5090

Ms. Parker: (224)484-5012


Ms. Lane: (224)484-5013




”You can’t educate a child who isn’t healthy and you can’t keep children healthy who are not educated."

-Former Surgeon General Dr. M. Jocelyn Elders


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